
on AO3.

“Oi, Tanjirou,” Genya’s palms were sweating heavily, he was so nervous, he was finally alone with Tanjirou on the school’s hallway, yet he was so close to abort mission and run away. “I-Uh, I wanted to ask you something.” Shit. There’s no going back now, no matter how much he wants to vanish away from this world or move far away from the city to not see him ever again. He must do this now.

“Yes?” Tanjirou’s head tilted a bit, he seemed worried at whatever face Genya was doing to keep himself composed and not break in pieces in front of him.

Fuck. Ok. Just. Just ask him already.

“I, uhm. There’s this-this movie, it will be released this weekend,” He couldn’t keep his eyes on one place, so he opted to look to his side, maybe that will make him look cool, “and, ehm. I want to watch it with you… and well since the function is early we could… we could go eat somewhere later?”

“Are you… inviting me to a date?” Tanjirou’s teasing eyes tried really hard to meet his, but he was too tall and also doing almost inhumane movements to keep the smaller boy away from his face.

Shit, shit ok. Breathe, breathe, Shinazugawa Genya, you can do this, you made it this far.

“I--Yes, yes,” Genya placed both hands on Tanjirou’s shoulders to keep him in place and stop his attempts to look at his embarrassingly red face, “Would you go out on a date with me?” He held his breath after he finally spurted his question out against his own will.

“Of course, Genya! So, this weekend, right? Just send me the location and I will be there!” Tanjirou’s face was like the sun itself, it was so hard to look straight at it, you would feel like your eyes would burn down, blinded by his cuteness and his beauty and his dangerously pure smile–“I look forward to it!”

And then he left.

Genya took a deep breath and sighed his lungs out, his heart rate going down little by little, face feeling colder as the silhouette of the boy he loves fades away in the empty halfway, covered by the afternoon sunlight. A little smile was fighting its way out, but Genya wasn’t going to let it go easily.

He had been planning this date for quite a long time, to be honest. He did his own research on the best places to take him out, making sure everything was perfectly located for his plan to go smoothly, and he also made tests on his own –bringing different snacks to school– to see which food would be Tanjirou’s favorite, as well as the most fitting places for him. Heck, he even checked the previews, synopsis, ratings and trailers of all the movies coming out this weekend to pick the one that would be of his liking.

The order of events was going to be this:

First, they would meet in front of the cinema, he would already have the tickets so they only would have to wait on the line to go inside, and then they would watch the movie. Genya would make all the extra efforts to actually watch the movie instead of focus on the small, pretty and joyful boy sitting on his side (no promises though). Then later they would get out and go eat something on the cat café two blocks away. He went there with his big brother before –who helped him on his way to plan the perfect date for his little brother and whatever brat he’s into– and after analyzing the menu thoroughly he came to the conclusion it would be the best place for them to spend the afternoon together. It also has cats, so what better? If he doesn’t like the food by some kind of disgrace there are always the cats willing to make him forget the flavor.

Finally, once it was getting darker, the streets would turn on their colorful lights and make the way so pretty it would literally come from a shoujo manga –those he, too, did read to learn what to do in those romantic dates–, walk for several blocks just to find this strategically monitored crepe stand that will 100% be open by the time they are near. If lucky, they will go to the next stage, hold hands all the way to Tanjirou’s home and leave him on his door, then... The end.

It was perfect, there was nothing to worry about.

Then why was he freaking out right now?!

The rest of the week flew away so fast, he literally blinked, and it was already Saturday. He sent the location to Tanjirou the day before, so that’s checked. He also had the tickets and the money on place for the date, that’s checked too. He already begged his big brother, Sanemi, a week ago if he could give him a ride to the cinema, and he agreed, so that’s all good. Everything is good.

Except for, being 8AM and the date in almost 7 hours, he was in the middle of towers and towers of clothes this close to have a breakdown because he doesn’t know what outfit will be the best for the day.

He tried all styles, but the more he changed clothes and looked on the mirror, the less confident he was feeling in himself. He threw the last pair of jeans over the room, making the piece echo a big thud all over the place. Why is he doing this? He is so ugly, no matter how hard he tries… it just won’t work. It’s a fact that Inosuke has way more chances than him to conquer Tanjirou’s heart with that pretty doll face even he had fallen for long time ago. He felt defeated, even if he hasn’t tried anything yet. He felt like he lost the battle, betrayed by his own mind, making him sit on the floor and swear loudly for the unrequested interruption on his happy, doki-doki time. His mental fight was interrupted by a knock on his door.

“Hey, idiot, you’re scaring the kids.” It was Sanemi’s voice coming from outside, the door was still closed but tempted to open any time if he doesn’t give an answer immediately.

Sniffing all his rage away and rubbing his eyes fiercely, he stood on his foot again and opened the door.

Sanemi scoffed, “You look like shit,” then he made his way inside, scanning the whole disaster his room was. “What, you got into a fight with a ghost?” He almost tripped on one of the mountains of clothes, but he managed to find his bed and sit there. “You know it’s 8 fucking AM right? There’s still a lot of time for your date.”

Genya nodded in response, closing the door and leaning on it, avoiding eye contact at all costs.

Given the lack of a proper answer, Sanemi sighed and crossed his arms. “So, are you going to tell me what’s wrong or will I have to wait here for the rest of the day until you tell me?” His voice was so strict, he really is the father figure they have been lacking as a family for as far as he can remember. Well, he’s a teacher too, so he must know how to make the kids spill their problems when in trouble.

Knowing they would be staring at each other for hours if Genya refuses to speak out, he gives up easily. “I just don’t know what clothes I should use today.”

“And?” He leaned forward; the pressure grew bigger.

“That’s it.”

“Don’t even dare lie to me, Shinazugawa Genya. I’ve raised you and cleaned your ass when you were this tiny,” he said making a gesture to prove his point on Genya’s baby size. “I know everything about you and I certainly know that’s not all.”

Visibly embarrassed on what is clouding his mind –because it’s fucking stupid, how can you let your nerves get over you this easily?– he sighed. “I just can’t find the reason on why anyone would be interested in me ever and why, from all people, Tanjirou accepted to go on a date with me,” he stressed with some sort of disgust, “who looks like a criminal with this fucking ugly scar on my face and my eyes and everything and maybe he’s just going on a date with me because he fucking pities me or whatever-“

“Ok. That’s enough, you can stop now.” Sanemi was distressed, his hand covering his face and forehead trying to digest all the self-hate rambling his little brother just threw at him. “Let’s see,” He raised his face, staring to the ceiling for ten solid seconds and taking a deep breath. “First of all, idiot.”


“Secondly, how dare you.”

“Ok, I will take it.”

“Why would you think that Kamado boy would go out with you on a date for fucking pity?” The word felt bitter on his mouth, “I-Listen, I, from this distance, you hear me? From this distance,” he stressed the word as if it was covering all the distance between their house and his school,can see he’s head over heels over you, and if the idiot accepted to go on a date with you it’s because-surprise! He likes you back, maybe?”

The words felt like he was being punched on the face with facts, even though they had good intentions and they were what he needed to hear, you could feel by the sharpness of his words that he was being, no exaggeration, punched in the face and stomach. Repeatedly.

Realizing he was getting angrier the more he spoke out; he took a deep breath. “You’re not ugly and I can assure you, you don’t look like a criminal at all. You shouldn’t be ashamed on the scar in your face, since it shows how strong you are, and you were back then.” Fondness and admiration could be read from Sanemi’s face. “I can’t say much about your eyes because we have the same and I am, as far as I’m concerned, handsome, so I totally disagree with that thank you very much.” Genya let a little scoff, raising his arm and letting it rest on his shoulder. Less stiff now that his mind had been cleared by his big brother’s wise words.

“I guess you’re right,” He mumbled.

“You fuckin’ bet I am. I’ve never been wrong once in my life.” He crossed his arms again, this time with satisfaction after his little brother finally got it together. “I really mean what I’m telling you, Genya. If that kid doesn’t realize what I and our whole family thinks-knows about you, then he can easily go the fuck away. He doesn’t deserve you anyways.”

“That’s mean. He’s a nice boy.”

“Sure. Whatever. Now, what will you wear today?”

The storm in his mind fade away. Sanemi is right. Maybe he’s not all ugly and maybe he also has a chance to go on a date with Tanjirou again after this, if everything goes well. It will be alright. He has the support of his big brother and his family if things go wrong, after all.

It feels weird, to have them all with him. Like a bitter, almost imperceptible feeling that fades away easily, letting the happiness bloom from the bottom of his heart.


After walking around the house for the rest of the day impatiently, Genya checked the clock for the nth time and found it was –finally– a reasonable hour to leave to the theater. Sanemi didn’t completely agree, judging for the way he rolled his eyes at him, but he drove him there anyways, after all, this is the boy’s first date, so he must arrive early, or whatever.

He arrived forty minutes earlier. Fair enough.

Despite arriving stupidly earlier than expected, Genya was glad it happened that way. While he was waiting for Tanjirou to arrive, he managed to calm down a little. The light autumn breeze was enough to fade any threatening thought away and the image of the couples going in and out the theater were pleasing to see, as well as the little kids jumping enthusiastically after watching their now favorite movie. It could give some sort of calm in the middle of the mess of a movie theater on a Saturday. A distraction he very much needed from his insecurities left at home.

He still remembers the day he realized he had a crush on Tanjirou. When they were alone on the school’s roof ranting about life and past memories, the sunlight attempting to leave their side after a long day, bathing them with warmth and trying to keep the boys’ hearts alive. The feeling of Tanjirou resting his head on his shoulder, mumbling something about self-love and reaching your friends when you need support… To be fair, Genya was so focused at the image of the boy resting on him that he couldn’t focus on what he was saying anymore, and that’s when he realized he was done for.

It was… how long ago? Months, maybe. It feels like it was years ago, to be honest. Well, they know each other for quite a long time, but maybe Tanjirou doesn’t remember at all. The embarrassing memory of the two of them getting into a fist fight when they were barely thirteen still makes him cringe, facepalming internally at his terrible behavior back then, he would’ve grounded himself, too. What an annoying brat.

What was he thinking back then? Even if the girl was mean to him to some extent, attempting to hit her was letting this heated argument out of proportion. He was kind of glad Tanjirou got in the middle just on time, because he wouldn’t be able to carry the memory of having hit a girl three years ago. He apologized to her thousands of times later–mostly due to Sanemi’s scolding.

Now that I think about it, it’s better if Tanjirou doesn’t remember it.

“Ah, Genya! There you are!” A small voice could be heard from the depths of the big crowd, a little burgundy head was getting closer, zigzagging its way to get in front of him, “Found you!” There it was, the smile that would give enough solar energy to light up a whole city.

It was the first time he saw Tanjirou wear something that wasn’t their uniforms, so far he only imagined what was proven in front of him just now. He was wearing an oversized –or just too big for him– green hoodie and black jeans. Something he would totally expect from him, except for his sneakers, white and with at least three inches tall platforms which were still not enough to reach his height, he’s very far from reaching it, no matter how hard he tries.

“You arrived earlier,” Genya pointed. He arrived ten minutes earlier than the time they agreed.

“And you were here already!”, he pouted.

“Well,” he scoffed, “that’s because I invited you, so I have to be earlier.” That makes no sense, but he already said it, no going back.

“Hmpf. I guess I will let you have that,” Tanjirou crossed his arms, looking away pretending to be angry. It went away pretty fast, though. Two seconds later he was already back on his usual mood. “By the way, you look really good today, Genya! I like this jacket.” He gave it a little pat.

First hit landed, Genya had to wait three whole seconds to recompose himself from the sudden compliment. Guess he will have to thank Sanemi later for picking his clothes for him; he was wearing his favorite leather jacket –which was the main problem this morning because it didn’t match with any of his clothes, and he wasn’t going to step a foot outside without it– over a purple t-shirt, and also a pair of ripped jeans ornamented with some decorative chains hanging around, his boots adding the last details to his style, which, no matter how hard he tries, ends up like this. He just loves this style too much to get rid of it easily. 

“T-thanks, I guess?” He covered his already red face with the back of his right hand, once again finding himself avoiding eye contact at all costs, “We-we should go inside,” He added.


Without even asking, or being shown the minimal intention to, Tanjirou slid his right arm on Genya’s left side, holding his hand and hugging his arm tightly. “Let’s go!” He said enthusiastically, his cheeks bathed with a weak shade of pink.

For someone who is dressing like something between a school bully and a soulless emo, you could assume everyone was be shocked at the image of Genya being already red all over his face, ears and neck while being teased by a tiny, seemingly weak –but with a strong grip– boy.

They handed out the tickets and got inside the theater, Genya had bought two weeks in anticipation the best seats on the place, right in the middle to see the whole screen without any issues. Tanjirou was already amused by the spot he picked. Great. Now let’s see how the movie goes.

The movie was an action one, loads of fights and a bit of fantasy, too. It was interesting so far for him, so Genya peeked on his left side to check Tanjirou’s reaction, just to find the other boy’s eyes glued to the screen, his mouth making a little o in surprise for the next plot twist about to happen in front of them.

He intended to just stare at him for less than a second, but he found himself watching every face the boy was making to every part of the story, memorizing them; every reaction, every change in his eyes and the curve of his lips, either in fear or total relief for the main character’s current situation. Sometimes he would nod in agreement with some dialogues, revealing the protagonist’s great sense of justice, something Tanjirou could relate completely. He also would tense his fists, as if he was fighting himself with the villains and other bad guys. It was another show aside from the movie itself.

He was glowing, literally. His eyes, his face, everything was glowing around him, you could, and this is no joke, see the sparkles float around his face. His feelings are so, so pure Genya’s heart always skipped a beat -or two- at the constant realization of Tanjirou’s transparency. It was something he admired so much, for someone who is so bad at speaking his feelings out, always being misunderstood by the unintentional rudeness of his words, Tanjirou was like an example of how to deal with things carefully, even with those who don’t deserve any care at all.

What a pure heart, he thought, turning his head back to the front to watch the last minutes of the movie, covering the little grin forcing its way out at the thought with the back of his right hand.

The movie, as Genya already knew –thanks to this full-of-spoilers forum–, ended in a cliffhanger, making an announcement for a second movie. Tanjirou was in shock, he didn’t expect it at all. He was tugging Genya’s jacket repeatedly, shaking him fiercely from side to side and yelling on the same volume as the whole theater, then he let go off his jacket and clapped loudly, joining the standing ovation. Genya sighed at the noise and clapped from his site.

It was quite a view to see Tanjirou being so energetic, he’s usually calm at school. Well, he can’t tell much since they only reunite during recesses and kendo practices, they’re from different groups, after all.

Once they were out of the theater, Tanjirou was a nonstop speaking machine. He really, really loved the movie. From the start when the main character was training in space, to the end, where he was about to face an even stronger villain than the one he had just defeated.

“And then, then-when the spider guy, yeah? The one with the webs? Did something like badaammm-and the protag was like aaaaggghhh!! And unveiled yet another attack?! Like, that was so cool?!” he was jumping all the way around, imitating the movements of the main character perfectly, “I was truly shocked when the girl appeared like bwaaaahhh! from behind and PWAHH! attacked the villain, too! She was so strong!”

“Yeah?” Genya was truly amused, seriously. He didn’t watch the movie at all, so the events, according to Tanjirou’s very detailed narration, were very impressive.

“Yeah! I really liked the movie! We need to watch the second one! For sure!” Another sparkle came from Tanjirou’s eyes, he could, literally see the little star jump from his eyes and jump to his own face, for real. “But Genya, what was your favorite part?”

Ah, shit.

“Uhhhh,” he shifted his view from the little, jumpy boy on his side and looked up to the sky, attempting to grasp at least an image, something to make it his favorite, but he can’t say it was the first five minutes, where there was almost no plot at all. So, in the middle of his braincells panicking everywhere, he came to a fast conclusion, “I think the whole movie was cool, so I can’t pic a moment.” Neat.

Tanjirou snorted.

“I suppose you are right,” he froze for a second, as in he was remembering something, and he did. The moment he came back to himself he was already glued to Genya’s left side, not letting go of his hand, nor his arm, at all. “Thank you, Genya. It was really cool,” He mumbled.

 “I-It’s-“ Genya literally, swearing to god, could feel his heart stop for more than whatever is the appropriate amount for a heart to stop beating. “It’s, nothing. I thought you would like it, turns out I was ri-“ That’s more info than intended.

“Eh? But weren’t you the one who wanted to see it?” Tanjirou wasn’t curious, or speaking seriously, with any bit of worry judging from the smug smile on his face and the way he was getting closer to him to tease him again.

“Oh, shut up,” he pushed his face down with his right hand. Back to his minion-size place. Far away from his view from now.

“I umdemstamd, take yor hamd omff” Heh, the brat’s angry.

“Only if you shut up until we arrive to our next spot.” 

For his surprise, Tanjirou actually stayed still. This is not something you see every day, given the case the boy is really intense, and, even though politely, he refuses to follow a lot of the school’s rules. For him to actually listen and follow Genya’s simple rule was quite an accomplishment not even Tomioka-sensei had ever managed in a whole year of following him on the hallway to take his earrings off.

Next spot: Cat café.

When they stopped outside the store, Tanjirou was as bright as fifty suns together, his eyes were sparkling and both hands covered his mouth in amusement –much to Genya’s disappointment at the warm feeling leaving his side–, his view switching from Genya’s face to the entrance, then back to Genya’s face at lightspeed. It was Genya’s turn to let out a smug smile at Tanjirou’s reaction, like a whole champion for earning all the points so far in this game called First Date.

During his month of research, –or rather, this time coming up surprisingly after Kendo practice–, Genya discovered one of Tanjirou’s wish was to attend one of these so popular Cat Cafés, but he wasn’t able to either afford it nor had the time to go there on his own, since he had to take care of his siblings and the bakery, so it was near impossible to go there. He made up his mind back then, the movie? It was just an excuse to cover the principal attraction of today’s show, the Cat Café.

“So, are you going to keep watching like a little kid until the day is over or what?”, Genya teased.

“Are we really going inside?”

“What do you mean by that?!”

“I mean!..” He gave a little peek once again in awe at the entrance, then he looked back to Genya’s face, scanning him from head to toe, “It doesn’t fit your style at all…”

“You little..!” He was ready to throw hands at him when the other boy, with his well-trained reflexes, avoided the ill intended hand coming for his face and ran inside the place, like the annoying brat he is.

The café was on the second floor, very far away from the outside noise. Makes sense, he thought. They first registered their names at the entrance, adding the arrival time on the same book. Tanjirou was already fidgeting –showing his visible lack of patience– on the other side of the reception desk while Genya took his time to write his name down. Then they both changed their shoes to the indoor slippers provided by the staff inside. While Genya was accommodating himself to enter the place, Tanjirou was already inside staring at all the different cats inside, covering his mouth in complete awe at the little creatures, most of them laying down, sleeping.

He has to admit, the view was very cute, maybe too cute for him. He doesn’t mind this kind of small animals at all, he actually prefers plants, they’re less noisy, though they are way more delicate than animals. All of his plants have different needs, they make him feel relaxed –unless he messes up and gives the wrong treatment to one of his babies–, so even a group of the cutest cats around can’t win his heart over his little garden.

The image of all the cats around the place either sleeping or cleaning themselves and the little creature known as Tanjirou Kamado tiptoeing everywhere almost sobbing at this cat who just yawned and the other who had really cute paws, was really, really soft. He had to cover his mouth once again, hiding a chuckle coming out uninvited. He managed to make it count as a little cough, but Tanjirou still noticed from the other side of the café, smiling back at him. God. He’s so cute.

He crossed the place to stay near the smaller boy, who was already kneeling, playing with a gray cat.

“You know, maybe we should order something first, then when we’re done we can play with them,” Genya mumbled, trying to not bother the cats sleeping on the shelves.

“But Genya, look!” he was also talking as low as physically possible –which isn’t much, to be honest–, “he’s so soft…”

“He is, and he will be still soft in twenty minutes, let’s go eat. I’m hungry.”

“So mean…” Tanjirou pouted, but agreed. There was no way he wasn’t going to be hungry as well, they didn’t bring anything to eat during the movie, and he can’t assure Tanjirou ate before coming here.

They sat on the only free table around, closer to the window, which was tinted in the gold lighting coming from the tired sun leaving the day at a slow pace.

As for their orders, he wasn’t surprised when he heard Tanjirou’s: matcha cheesecake and iced lemon tea. He already knew that, despite his unhealthy sweetness Tanjirou’s taste was really bland, maybe if he eats something too sweet he would turn into a sugar cube? he thought. He instead ordered those very popular souffle pancakes and a yoghurt smoothie. He tried to order the tempting pancakes the last time he visited the place, but Sanemi didn’t let him because his appetite is horrendous and fades away pretty easily, and the pancakes are quite big for his tiny stomach. I will prove him wrong, then.

“You really like sweet things, isn’t it, Genya?” Tanjirou was leaning forward, chin resting on his hands, “Nothing you do really fits your looks.” God, how long will this kid tease him for his gap moe?!

Genya scoffed, brushing his embarrassment away and replacing it with his usual furrowed brow, arms crossed. “You’re way too focused on what fits me or not, huh?”, the question came a lot harsher than he intended, but judging from Tanjirou’s face, he knows it did no damage to him.

“Well, yeah.” Tanjirou crossed his arm in defiance, leaning against the back of his chair. “You don’t find someone this cute behind such a rude façade every day, isn’t it?”


    … me?


Second hit landed, the boy in front of him burst into a laugh. Genya only replied back covering his face in embarrassment, completely defeated.


Once their order arrived, and Genya’s face was back in a healthy temperature and color, they spent the rest of the meal talking about, well… Tanjirou. Talking about him, yeah.

Lacking of something interesting to talk about, Genya always tends to let Tanjirou speak his whole life out. Listening earnestly to every detail or fact he lets out. Tanjirou’s life is so interesting, too interesting, to be honest. He finds all kind of weird stuff every day, his presence alone being enough example to prove it.

Genya knows that he won’t be as interesting and talented as him, his mind made its work convincing him for sixteen years, so he had already given up on trying. Pretty sure Tanjirou thinks the same thing since he doesn’t complain about Genya’s will to stay shut about his life to the world. Not like he hasn’t tried to make him talk about what he likes or discover spicy secrets to blackmail him later, though.

“…so, when Nezuko fell asleep, I finally had some free time to study, but I was soooo tired I slept on my desk... next morning I woke up with a terrible neck pain and I was already late for the test-“ he stopped rambling about the disaster this week was for him, day by day, just to point to Genya’s half-finished pancakes –Sanemi was right, he wasn’t going to end them, he was full already– “Are you going to eat your pancakes?”

“Eh? Ah… No, I’m full already. Take them.”

“Thank youuu~” He took Genya’s plate with both hands and carefully put it in front of him. The cheesecake disappeared from his plate long ago. “So, after arriving an hour later…”

Being honest to god, he can’t believe how someone who had a terrible week from Monday to Friday without any second of peace can narrate every tragedy with a smile on his face, this one not even intending to leave any moment. When Genya has a bad day he most likely disappears into his room. Hell, he isn’t even able to talk about it later without feeling his brows furrow in anger at the universe, repressing his will to punch god in the face any second.

But whatever, Tanjirou can do that, he is the certified sunshine boy for a reason. Though he can’t avoid but feel curious on what he usually does with the bitter feelings hiding in the bottom of his heart. Maybe he will be able to see them fly free any time?

“…And that’s it! How was your week?” Genya took a glance on Tanjirou’s plate. Empty.

“Uh… nothing interesting, I guess?”

“I see,” a bit of disappointment escaped on Tanjirou’s eyes. It made Genya’s heart feel heavy. “Alright, then. Let’s go pet the cats!” He raised a fist to the ceiling; the whole place had their eyes on him now.

Genya facepalmed. 

The cat Tanjirou had played with on the beginning of their visit was still there, resting peacefully. It started to purr once he placed his hand near it, slowly getting closer to pet it and play with it if it dares to wake up from its long nap. Genya, on the other side, was already playing with a younger cat, this one was more energic, biting him and jumping everywhere, it was too entertaining for him to mess around with the blonde cat who was trying really hard to defeat his enemy. He was so focused on the small cat he didn’t notice Tanjirou had been watching him the whole time.

“You know, Genya. I think we should adopt a cat.”

Over my dead body, Tanjirou. You know I don’t like them.” Lies. “Either way, would you keep it, or what? I won’t keep it in my house, my brother wouldn’t let me.”

“I mean, once we live together we could.”

“Wh-“ Distracted over the unexpected comment, he could feel the little blonde cat leave, already tired of him, cleaning itself on the corner.

“What, you don’t want to?”

“No-I mean-” he could feel the heat go up to his face once again. This is the third blow Tanjirou let out, he doesn’t know why he’s making these comments out of the blue, he isn’t like that at all during school, it makes no sense for him to be so flirty and blunt now, and, most importantly, to him, from all people.

“Then it’s settled, once we graduate, we will adopt a cat and it will be our little baby.” He said, already playing with another cat who got near the couple, interested in Tanjirou’s earrings.

Covering his face with the back of his hand, he mumbled, “…you can’t just go and say stuff like that, you know?”

Tanjirou chuckled in response, “You’re flustered again? That’s so cute.”


With his heart on the edge due to Tanjirou’s bluntness, Genya figured out it was already late, and they had to get outside now if they wanted to meet with the crepe stand on their way home. So they did –except Genya pulled an excuse to leave instead of revealing his plans–, leaving a painful farewell to the cats inside the café.

Once they were outside, Genya felt the warm hug on his left arm come back, this time he didn’t feel embarrassed or shy at the act, he actually missed the feeling of Tanjirou’s small –he’s not that small, it’s just that Genya turned out to be taller than the average boy– body leaning on him.

While they were walking on their way back home –which was most likely going to be interrupted– Tanjirou, in his realization that maybe he was talking too much about himself, turned the tables and made all the physical efforts to make Genya talk about his life.

“Genya, how’s your job going?”

“Eh?, nothing new… I guess…” He shoved his hands on his pockets, staring to the dim lights decorating the way, “Ah, there was this guy who was wearing a mask-a bandage, covering his mouth, he was asking for some flowers to his girlfriend, I was really impressed.”

“Really? A bandage?” Tanjirou’s eyes lit up at Genya’s answer, which was finally something other than nothing new.

“Yeah, I thought he was lost as first, since he was hesitant to get inside and all, but he got inside and I was pleasantly surprised at the fact he was looking for a specific flower, with its own meaning and all. Apparently he googled it before coming here.”

“That’s really sweet,” Genya could feel the sparkly sight from below staring at him in awe.

 “I guess. There are a lot of stories behind the clients that visit the flower store, going from excessively, disgustingly cheesy and romantic to really sad ones.” He sighed, “It’s… interesting. To know better about people this way. Buying flowers for others-or even yourself reveals a lot about your true feelings, even if they don’t know the real meaning behind the flowers they buy, when I see them buying some I usually think yeah, this one really fits them… Flowers really connect peop-“ He stopped immediately. He has been talking about something really deep and that’s not him at all.

He looked down, meeting the other’s eyes. Tanjirou was smiling. His smile was so gentle, so caring, like he found a something he had been looking for quite a long time, giving him a feeling of peace, ignoring all the noise around them except for his voice. It felt… strange, to be heard with interest and enthusiasm, to not have to shut up because others were laughing at him, to be stared like this, like you’re not a weirdo talking about something no one really cares about, but more like you’re someone valuable, whose life means a lot for the whole universe. Genya was taken aback, his heartbeat getting louder on his ears.

“And?” He pushed, just a little.

“And, well. It makes sense,” he looked away, trying to spot the crepe stand and making sure it was open, just then he felt safe enough to keep talking. “At first I didn’t care much about it, I was doing great with my plants at home. But ‘Nemi was working really hard for me and my siblings, so I had to.”

“You really care about them,” Tanjirou agreed with him.

“Of course. Those little beasts are everything I have, after all.” And you too, he thought. “Since-well, you know that already, our bond kind of grew stronger. We only have each other now, so I won’t fail to them. I will protect them, including my ‘Nemi. The thought of the kids living a decent life with us-thanks to us, makes me go through whatever comes at work, I guess ‘Nemi thinks the same.”

A soft smile escaped at the image of his messy, loud and cheerful little siblings crossing his mind. He’s certain Tanjirou knows and can relate to this overprotective feeling he has over them, since they both come from a numerous family and they both are the oldest brother –to some extent, since Genya is the second older–, it’s inevitable for him to feel so soft over them, they are his weakest point, so he can’t fight this fluttering feeling back.

“You’re such a hard worker, Genya. I really admire you.”

No. Genya should be the one saying that, he thought. The fact Kamado Tanjirou, the biggest hard worker student at school, who not only stays at school until it’s almost nighttime, practicing nonstop, but also works on his family’s bakery during weekends to help them. This, adding that once he’s back home he has to take care of his little siblings, making him sleep very late every day, yet he still carries a bright smile with him, is not only admirable, but makes Genya feel like he should follow his example.

For him, to hear the boy he admires deeply say he admires him back is like a prize, something he will carry proudly for the rest of his life.

“I admire you, too.” He mumbled softly, almost imperceptible.


The crepe stand was now just few steps away, so it was the moment to unveil the last trick under his sleeve.

“Ah, Tanjirou, look-“ Genya pointed with his hand, “do you want some?”

The stand was… rather big. Now that they came closer to it, you could see it was bigger than he remembers. Outside, there was window display with a fair quantity of samples of all the different flavors, as well as different sizes. It was aesthetic pleasing for the people’s view, placed neatly with the same distance from the other.

“Cre…pe? Oh, oh!! I’ve read about them online, but I’ve never tried them!” he leaned closer to the glass, a little confused with the big range of flavors in front of him. His face was radiating indecision, Genya had to resist the urge to laugh at the boy, who was acting literally like his youngest brother.

Genya had already one in mind. So he separated from Tanjirou to wait on the queue. It was getting a bit cold as the sun was long gone, but he wanted to try the ice cream with strawberry bits and chocolate sauce crepe. It had been calling him few blocks ago. Yes, he may not be hungry, but it was calling him anyway.

“Hey, idiot, we’re next on the line, pick one fast,” he teased.

Tanjirou pouted in response, apparently he still couldn’t pick one until the very end, so he covered his eyes with his left hand and looked down, raising his right arm and pointing at a random flavor, “Then, I want this one!”

Genya snorted, literally. He couldn’t handle it anymore; the laugh escaped its way out. Just like his voice, it was raspy and deep, yet you could understand very well it wasn’t ill intended –or was mocking the poor kid covering his face–, he was genuinely having fun at the improvised solution his friend came with. He had been laughing for a solid minute when, while recovering his breathing pace, he finally mumbled between chuckles, “I… I can’t believe you, truly.”

In the end, Tanjirou picked the cheesecake with banana bits and chocolate sauce crepe.

The image of Tanjirou eating his crepe was incredibly cute. Dangerously cute, even. He didn’t even care about the taste of his own pick, eating on a reflex act rather than real intention of eating. He was too busy following the chain of reactions coming from Tanjirou’s face as he was finding new flavors on his –randomly selected– choice.

“You are really cute, Tanjirou.”

Genya was forced to stop because the glance of the burgundy hair bouncing on the corner of his eye had suddenly disappeared. He turned around just to find a bright red Tanjirou behind him, covering his small face with his free hand.

What on earth…?

"Wh-why would you tell me something l-like that out of the blue?" his burgundy eyes didn’t want to meet his.

“What?” Genya scoffed, he couldn’t believe this, “You’ve been doing this all day, it was my turn now.”

Tanjirou’s hand went down into a fist and he pouted in anger.

“Ah-ah, don’t pout. Pouting won’t make look you mean at all. You’re still cute.”  

Another wave of red was going up his face. Shaking his head in order to calm himself down, he finally dared to move from his place, back again to Genya’s side, “Playing with my heart like this, Shinazugawa Genya, you are so mean.”

Genya jolted, he couldn’t reply back to that, he, indeed, was messing around to see any hint from the other boy, but he wasn’t expecting that reaction at all. It was only a little praise, everyone thinks that about him, too, so what’s new?, He thought.

He could understand now why Tanjirou loves to tease him, though. It’s funny to see the person you like in this state, it was a pleasant surprise to know he and his unbreakable composure could be tackled down easily.

They spent the rest of the way walking silently, mostly because the tension between them was so huge they couldn’t think of any way to restart their conversation. Genya didn’t mind about it since he’s very used to silence –and is bad with words–, but he could feel Tanjirou fidgeting on his side, looking around for something to talk about. God. Even when he’s uncomfortable about the calm around them, he looks cute.

“So, you’ll be in charge of the bakery tomorrow?” Genya broke the silence for him, Tanjirou looked almost grateful.

“Yes! Mom must be really tired, actually…” and there he was, already finding a new story to talk about. It’s amazing how a yes/no question can make Tanjirou talk for hours and hours if possible. Even if they’re not asking him anything at all he will talk about his life. Like it happened back then when Genya got to know him better on the Kendo club practices.

Words are Tanjirou’s area of expertise, after all. He’s loved by everyone for a reason. Well, more than one reason, but his social skills usually paves the way for him into everyone’s hearts.

It was nice, to be walking with him, without the interruptions of the others or the yelling of his disastrous friends. He knows it’s a selfish thought coming from him, but having some time alone with Tanjirou sure felt like a privilege not everyone can afford. And the more time he spent with him, the more he could understand how everyone was glued to him like flies to the honey. It’s hard to not want to be with him alone for the rest of the day, the rest of your life, even. Tanjirou Kamado really heals your soul, if you think your life is good as in, having Tanjirou by your side really makes you consider what really was that good life without his existence.

Staring at each other and exchanging short smiles every now and then, Genya felt himself at peace, and judging from the way Tanjirou was speaking, he could tell the feeling was mutual. His heart was blooming, he wasn’t nervous, he didn’t feel stiff, he could only feel what you can say the pure feeling of love. The feeling of wanting to protect that smile, his unwavering heart, his small yet strong hands, the need to be by his side as long as he can.

After walking for a while, they finally arrived at the Kamados household. You could spot it not only because it was, literally, the bakery, but the lights on the second floor and all the yelling, loud laughing and fast steps coming from inside was exuding the Kamado Energy. They were about to part ways now. A bitter taste came to Genya’s mouth.

“I had a good time today.” They were staring at each other now, in front of the entrance. Tanjirou was holding Genya’s hands, rubbing his thumbs on the back of them softly. “All the places were amazing, honestly!”

“I…I know a lot of other places, maybe we could go there next time if you want.

“I’d love to visit them with you, Genya,” another smile came to the boy’s face, you could feel it had a message hidden, but he couldn’t read it at all.

“Cool. That’s. Cool, actually. Uhm, Tell Nezuko and the kids I said hi,” he let go off of Tanjirou’s hands and was already to his way to leave, “See you this Monday-“

Tanjirou was tugging him from the back of his jacket. Making him turn back and face him again.


“You owe me something.”

What? Did I miss something? Wait, go back to the list, there must be something you missed-

“I…I don’t know what you’re talking about?” he admitted.

Tanjirou let a loud sigh, this time the disappointed on his face was evident, but more than disappointment, it was a I-totally-expected-this look. Given that Genya didn’t want to understand his petition at all, he made the first move, risking everything.

He took a long step –long enough to be few inches away from Genya– and grabbed the neck of his leather jacket with both hands, tugging him down enough for their faces be as close as possible, their noses touching already. Genya gasped in surprise at the sudden movement, holding Tanjirou’s shoulders to avoid any disaster. The look on the smaller boy’s eyes was so determined, waiting for something, their eyes were locked, and the message Tanjirou had been sending since the very beginning of their date was delivered successfully.

Genya put down his arms and leaned forward, pressing their lips together and pulling Tanjirou closer, grabbing him by his waist. Tanjirou let go of his jacket just to cross his arm in Genya’s neck, going further and further into their kiss. It was, and being completely honest, a religious experience. Tanjirou’s lips were so, so soft and so sweet, just like he had been daydreaming of for months, all the tension he had left just vanished away, this little voice in his head in charge of bathing him with insecurities was also fading as they refused to part ways. They found it, the home they had always dreamt of. The fluttering feeling in Genya’s chest was growing bigger and now it was too late to hide it anymore. The happiness on both sides couldn’t be avoided at all, interrupting their so awaited kiss due to their smiles and Tanjirou’s laugh. They gave up on continuing, pressing their foreheads together.

It was, really, the best day on Genya’s life. To think he was about to give up this morning, and now he’s here hugging the love of his life, pressing now his lips on Tanjirou’s forehead.

This time it was harder to say goodbye, considering they had to wait a whole day until they could see each other again at school. They stayed like this for a long time, it was so silent, he even could hear their heartbeats matching.

Nothing lasts forever, so Tanjirou was the first to move, parting ways almost painfully.

“I don’t want anything to happen to you on your way home-your phone” Genya lend him his phone, and Tanjirou unlocked it to send himself the live location, just in case, “…so it would be better if you leave now that it’s still early. Text me once you’re back, 'kay?” he returned his phone.

Genya sighed, he had a point, but he was way worse than Sanemi when it comes to overprotecting. “You worry too much, Tanjirou. But since it’s you, and I’m in a good mood, I will leave now.” He smiled with malice.

“Okay, then,” He gave him a short hug for a last time, “see you this Monday!” he went inside his house, almost running, Genya didn’t have time to reply back.

Once he was alone on the street, his face went crimson red in half a second. Phone in hand, he covered his face and made all the efforts to not yell out loud. Just after ten solid seconds, he felt enough strength to walk back to the nearest bus stop.


Once he was already in front of his own door, he sent the promised message to Tanjirou, who replied seconds later. He arrived safely at home, his cheeks tinted in an almost imperceptible shade of pink, his heart still beating at full force.

He took a deep breath, and he got inside home.

“Welcome home, you little punk-“ Sanemi jumped from behind, locking his right arm on his neck and using his fist to mess with his hair, “now, tell me how fucking hard it was for you to reply my fucking texts before I break your fucking neck, asshole”

“Text?” Oops, he didn’t check his messages other than Tanjirou’s.

“Yeah, because when we’re usually alone on the fucking street at this hour, we reply to our big, handsome and caring brothers, you know?” Sanemi pressed harder on Genya’s neck before releasing him, letting him breathe for a bit.

“Sorry for that…”

“Whatever,” he sat on the sofa near the entrance, “how did your date go?”

“Ah,” his face was all red again. Sanemi tilted his head a little, and he quickly came to the realization. Letting his I-was-right smile out.

“Guess you were right, 'Nemi. I think he likes me back,” Genya smiled back at him.

“He better do.”

They spent the rest of the night talking –mostly Genya, though– about their days. The little snores from his brothers could be hear from the living room.


Once he was back on his room laying on his bed, he did a final check on his phone messages.


[21:47] I’m back home, no limbs missing


[21:47] Good!

[21:47] I miss u already (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)


[21:49] What a crybaby, i just left


[21:50] im not a baby ( •̀ε•́  )

[21:52] …

[21:53] this goes unsaid but

[21:53] uh (´ . .̫ . `)

[21:54] I like you a lot, Genya


[22:00] I like you too ...idiot

[22:00] let’s talk about this tomorrow, u have to sleep now

[22:01] dont think I didnt see those eyebags, bc I did

[R 22:01] good night. ♥

Locking his phone off again, he sighed deeply. I’m so, so screwed.
