Haru was born in the Fukumoto clan, a renowned family known for their overseas imports and business. They lived in a big mansion nearing the mountain outskirts, one of her father's way to show their greatness. Despite failed births and weak children that didn't make past the year of life, Haru's mom, Akane, gave birth to a healthy pair of twins, both girls. Haru is the youngest, her sister is Hime Fukumoto.
Despite both being the only children that grew past one year old, their treatment was fairly different. As in, despite the great feat of survival, only Hime was treated with the upmost care. It could be because she's the oldest.
Haru's mother reached a mental decline due to the loss of her older children, forced to bring a heir to the Fukumoto plan, but failing to do so by only bringing two little girls. That, adding to the mistreatment coming from her husband because she couldn't give her a son, she reached a breaking point. Suddenly, when Haru turned three, she began calling her daughter a "demon child". This lead to neglected isolation from her sister and the rest of the family. They slept on different rooms, and Haru was kept away from everyone's sight in a small room hidden deep in the mansion. Only the servants would care for her, but even then they weren't able to properly do so given the strong demands from Ryusuke Fukumoto.
Still, if you see Haru today, you'd see in her manners how she was born and raised in a rich family. That's what everyone says about her. However, all the things she learned about manners came from her constant lurking on the Fukumoto family. She wasn't allowed to eat with the family, nor learn about the things her sister was taught. Had it not been for her persistence, she wouldn't know a thing she knows now.

When Haru turned 5, she noticed quickly there was something odd about her. She'd see shadows looming all over her room, and outside as well. Sometimes they were bright lights, similar to flames, and sometimes they were dim like small voids all over her room. To her, it was a normal occurence, but it wasn't until she asked one of the family's servants that she noticed it wasn't normal. She didn't have anyone to ask about this daily occurence, for she was forbidden of any contact with her family, let alone a stranger. She, then, began talking with the strange sightings.
She was happy about it, to be honest. She could talk to people, she could have a normal conversation with someone that wasn't a servant, someone who wouldn't tell about her progress with the master, Ryusuke. She learned more about them, she more or less grew with them.

Soon Haru understood what was the reason for the mental spiral of her mother, Akane. One night, Haru noticed something different happening in the table as her family was eating dinner. The ghosts told her to be wary of her father because her father killed them. She mustered her courage and stepped in, asking what "demons" are. Her father, Ryusuke, looked at her, and it took just one glance for her to realize she had to run away. Torn between the choice of protecting her sister or her mother, she ran towards her sister, shielding them from one of her father's attack. She quickly stood on her foot, picking up her sister and running away. The shock was too much for her sister to handle, and she fainted in her arms.
She knew about it. Her mother is dead, and her sister, who she sees bleeding, may die as well because what was evident to her went unnoticed. At age eight, she learned. Her father was a demon in disguise, playing family with the Fukumoto clan. That's why her siblings died from a young age, they couldn't bear the demon blood flowing among them. She ran, far away, past her limits, past her weak, malnourished body, crying for help, begging for someone to rescue her, her body giving up to exhaustion right in front of a family that seemed to be passing by.

The family happened to be Sanemi's, who took her in and her sister and helped Haru with her wounds. The moment Haru came back to her senses, she looked around for her sister, and when she saw her, alive and well, she felt relief. It wasn't mutual, for her sister, in a way to justify whatever happened back home, blamed it on her. "You did it, you killed mom, you are the reason dad turned into a beast," Hime screamed on top of her lungs while bashing her younger sister, storming off right after.
Haru tried to stop her, follow her and stick to her side, but the wound inflicted by her father across her back was too painful for her already frail body. Even if she could stand up, Shizu wouldn't have let her, given her current physical state.
That night, Haru couldn't stop weeping, so Sanemi came in and interferred.

"If you don't stop crying, I'll kick you out."


"That's your problem. You keep apologizing. Aren't you mad?"

"Mad? Why would I be?"

"Your sister. She's the reason you're like this, all battered... your body is all scratched. Aren't you mad?"

"I did what anyone would, I think."

"What is it?"

"...Protect my family. Wouldn't you do the same?"

"Well duh."
Haru couldn't help but laugh at Sanemi's codescendent words. She chuckled softly, what would be the first time ever since she was three.

"There you go. I guess you can laugh, after all."
She remembers Sanemi's gentle ruffle on her hair even a decade past that encounter. The way his first instinct would be to get a word out of her, a laugh to relax her always tense body, the small praise that came from her chuckle left a mark in her life afterwards. When she found him again, he didn't recognize her, but she did. Ever since then, she follows him around.