So! The site is done, huh! It's a lot better than what I anticipated, and I have a lot of free time now to fix every little detail I wanted to (like, for example, the diary!)
There's a lot to do, and it's far from done for sure, but I'm happy that I got to finish the main goal, which was this site!! Now let's do a breakdown on the list I posted:
Archive my fanficse.
Diary to rant about whatever.
Genya shrine.

If there's some time left, I'd like to talk about my KnY oc eventually.

I have yet to collect all the things (images, pngs, favicons) I want to add to the site...
Well, over half of my list is over already! Isn't that nice? That was so fun, really.
Now I'm thinking on adding some rendition to my KnY oc, I gotta do it now that I'm really hyped up on her story!!
As of now, I'll take advantage on my break time to, you know, actually rest (watch me update my site again after this lol)
Mimi leaving!