First entry
Coding is so hard when you have a short attention span...
I really thought I would do just fine if I simply used templates, but I really misunderstood how all of this works!
After three days, I have to say I became really ambitious to the kind of site I want to have. I'm thinking really hard on what I want to keep and what I should leave aside, either for the future or to just cross it out of my list.
I've come to terms to what I do 100% sure want in this site:

Archive my fanfics is the goal of the site.

Diary to rant about whatever is also a must.

Genya shrine is important to me (I can't believe I didn't know this was a thing before! all those years wasted!)

Recommendations is mostly a secondary goal, same with ITZY shrine.

If there's some time left, I'd like to talk about my KnY oc eventually.

I have yet to collect all the things (images, pngs, favicons) I want to add to the site...
But it's okay, I won't let it get over me! I'm a grown adult, I know I can do this!! Fighting!
Mimi leaving!